I.D.E.A. Program

Integrated Disability Education and Awareness Program
Doug Gates - Physical Education Instructor, Founder IDEA Program, Founder MrGym.com

IDEA Outline
IDEA Guidelines
IDEA Process
IDEA Documents
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I.D.E.A. Program Outline

Integrated Disability Education & Awareness Program


Program Goal

     The goal of the I.D.E.A. Program is to raise staff, student and parent recognition, respect and awareness of all individuals with physical and or mental disabilities. This goal will be accomplished by having students living with a disability for a day while following their normal daily routines.

Program Preparation

     To accomplish the goals of raising recognition, respect and awareness, the following steps shall be taken prior to the implementation of the I.D.E.A program.

     Step 1- The program leader shall assemble all the equipment necessary to insure the successful implementation of the I.D.E.A. Program.

a.      Possible items include: Wheelchairs, Blindfolds, Ear Pieces. Etc.

     Step 2- The program leader shall meet and work with local disability organizations to insure the success of the program.

     Step 3-The program leader shall meet with principal and the school board and superintendent, if necessary, to discuss any concerns about the program.

     Step 4- Meet with all staff members to discuss the program and discuss any concerns.

a.      Since this program is also designed to raise staff awareness of educating

      students with disabilities, some adaptations may need to be made to

                       accommodate the students involved with the program.

     Step 5- Meet with students and parents to discuss the program and to discuss any concerns.

     Step 6- Students will apply to, and enter the program on a voluntary basis.


Following is the format of the actual lesson

     Step 1- Participants are selected from a list of students who have properly completed the I.D.E.A. Application Form.  Students who are able to participate for a 24hr period may be given first priority.

     Step 2- Upon arriving at school, students shall meet with the program leader to discuss the importance of the program, responsibilities, and guidelines. (See attached guidelines sheet)

     Step 3- Student will then spend their selected day with a physical disability. This may be a school day or may be a 24hr day depending on the time period requested by the student and his or her parent/guardian.

     Step 4- The student will be required to complete a post I.D.E.A. Questionnaire discussing their personal experience with the program and will submit this questionnaire the program leader.