Program Goal:
The goal of
the I.D.E.A. Program is to raise staff, student and parent recognition,
respect and awareness of all individuals with physical and or mental
disabilities. This goal will be accomplished by having students living
with a disability for a day while following their normal daily routines.
Creation of the
IDEA Program:
I founded and developed the IDEA Program in 2004
and ran a pilot program in the 2005-2006 school year at Duncan Falls
Elementary. The idea for this program is the result of several
influences in my life. First, I have some background with the
physically and mentally challenged. My first job out of
college was as leading and teaching exercise and leisure activities at a
Heartland Fairfield. Heartland Fairfield is a nursing home, with a
building for geriatrics and a building for the physical and mentally
challenged. After a short time at Heartland Fairfield, I was hired
by Starlight School as an assistant for the severe behavior instructor.
This class consisted of 5 students who were mentally handicapped, and
had severe behavior tendencies. Although I only worked at Starlight for
1 year (as I was hired as a physical education teacher), it led
me to a summer job in a group home. This group home was the
residence to 3 of the 5 students in our severe behavior classroom.
I continued to work at the group home for 4 summers.
Since being hired as a physical education teacher
by Franklin Local Schools, I have remained teaching here for the past 20
years. In 2003, I acquired a wheelchair through an auction.
Right away, my physical education thought process got me to wondering
how I could incorporate 1 wheel chair into my physical education class.
Finally, after several months, and my wife tossing the wheelchair, I
came up with what is now called the IDEA Program. Once the idea
hit me, it was just a short time before I had the outline of the
program, and knew where I wanted to go with it.
I approached my principle with the idea in late
2005. He like the idea and gave me permission to pursue a pilot
program. In the spring of 2006, I had a pilot program up and
running, and had about 35 5th grade students complete the program.
Later that spring, I was invited to our district board meeting to
demonstrate and discuss the program. The program was well received
and has now led to me running the program for the 2006-2007 school year.
I currently have over 50 5th grade students scheduled to participate in
the IDEA Program.
Benefits of the
IDEA Program:
Increases students awareness
of the
problems associated with having a physical and/or mental disability.
Increase student
recognition of the feelings experienced by those who live with physical
and or mental disabilities.
and Staff
Increase teacher
and staff awareness of the problems
associated with having students with a physical disability
their classroom.
Enhances the abilities of the teacher by increasing the their
recognition for the need in creating adaptive teaching styles and
methods which may be necessary in creating the optimum and least
restrictive learning environment for students with special needs.
administration awareness
of the
problems or concerns associated with accommodating a student with
physical and/or mental disability.
parent awareness
of the
problems associated with having a child with a physical and/or mental
Increase parent
recognition of the feelings experienced by those who live with physical
and or mental disabilities.